Android Studio NDK Development Environment Setup

最近在做的文字识别采用了卷积神经网络技术,这种方式需要大量使用循环计算,无疑c++是高效处理这种密集运算的语言。在测试识别mnist样本库10K个测试图片时,识别率正确率达到了92%以上。实际使用中,在识别手写和印刷体字符时还是存在一些很复杂的问题,比如字体粗细、偏移极大影响识别正确率,实际上卷积神经网络的特征提取是位置不相关的,这也是以后要着重优化的地方。回到主题,c++工程要通过ndk编译成so库才能在Android端使用,以前主要使用eclipse开发,现在Android studio成为了行业主流,在配置使用过程中碰到了很多的坑,用了一天的时间才使项目正常运行。

A Tale Of Two Cities

“It was the best of times, and it was the worst of times. It was the age of wisdom, and it was the age of foolishness. It was the epoch of belief, and it was the epoch of incredulity. It was the season of light, and it was the season of darkness. It was the spring of hope, and it was the winter of despair.

Fiddler Tips

Fiddler is coded by C# and it’s a free http proxy debugging tool. It has two version which are .net 2 and .net 4. Fiddler can record all the messages that transmitted between your computer and internet. Basically, it’s really easy to use, but it doesn’t means it’s simple designed but, on the contrary, it can set breakpoints, run script before/after a http request to tunning and examine the data which is really powerful.

How To Modify Android Webview Request Header

Let’s say something about android webview, when we open webpage in an android application, the http header would some how add a field named x-requested-with to show your app’s package name. For some websites may prohibit any further access according to this field and their webpages are only available for their own app and browsers. To tackle this problem and make our app to access these webpages we need to modify webview client.

Use Node.js To Implement HTTP Proxy


When I have username and password to simulate a login action on a website, how can I pass the verification algorithm or validation routines, sometimes this kind of program is really complicated which is the biggest obstacle to hack in. For instance, when you have plenty Taobao usernames and passwords how can you figure out what the customer bought, as this b2c mogul uses an algorithm to check all http request if they are legal.

Hexo Project Workstation Change Solution


如果只满足于简单的部署发布,现在就完全够用了。可是有人就喜欢在不同时间、不同地点、不同电脑上写文章( •̀ ω •́ )y!(嗯,那个人就是我~)。这样的问题如何解决呢,总体思路是使用github的分支思想,将所有文件放在hexo分支下,将public文件夹通过插件自动发布放在master分支以供加载展示。同时因为有配置.gitignore文件,无需担心node_modules等文件被手动发布到hexo分支下,达到文件分类存放的目的。follow下面几步让你赏心悦目、随心所欲写文章。




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$ git init
$ git add *.c
$ git add LICENSE
$ git commit -m 'initial project version'